Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?
The majority of personal injury claims result from automobile accidents. When another driver violates a driving rule or law and causes a collision with you or your property, that driver is negligent. If this is the case, you can file a personal injury claim to recover losses such as lost wages, medical expenses, and vehicle or property damage. Other examples of personal injury include cases of medical malpractice and wrongful arrests. You are unsure whether your personal injury case will proceed to trial. You may be concerned about missing trial-related work. You may be an introvert who dislikes the idea of public speaking. Although there are no guarantees, the odds are in your favor if you wish to avoid trial. It could be that you have to go for trial in the opposite situation. This is a possibility, but you must be aware of the odds prevailing in your case. Personal Injury Trial Cases Statistics A high percentage of personal injury cases never go to trial. In most cases, the de...