
Everything You Need to Know About Medical Freedom Claims

  The U.S. medical system is the most expensive in the world, yet it consistently ranks as one of the lowest in quality. In recent years, there has been a growing movement of people opting out of the traditional medical system in favor of more natural and holistic approaches. This blog covers everything you need about  medical freedom  claims in the United States. It includes information on the different types of claims, the requirements for each type, and the rights of medical consumers. The Basics of Medical Freedom in California California is a leader in medical freedom, and the state has some of the most progressive laws in the country. Medical freedom in California gives consumers the right to choose their healthcare providers and make their own healthcare decisions. There are three types of medical freedom claims in California: The right to choose your health care provider. The right to make your own decisions about your health care. The right to access  altern...

Car Accident Statistics: What You Need to Know?

  Car accidents are a leading cause of death and injury in the United States. In 2016, there were 37,461 deaths and 2.44 million injuries due to car accidents. That averages out to more than 100 deaths and 6,500 injuries every day. Even more startling is that these numbers have been rising in recent years. In 2015, there were 35,092 deaths and 2.34 million injuries due to car accidents. That’s an increase of 5.6% for deaths and 4.5% for injuries. Several factors contribute to this increase, including distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving. If you’re a driver, it’s important to be aware of these statistics and take steps to avoid becoming a part of them. What are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents? Distracted driving  is one of the most common causes of car accidents. In 2016, distraction was a factor in 10% of all fatal crashes and 18% of all injury crashes. Distracted driving can take many forms, including talking on the phone, texting, browsing the internet, an...

A Comprehensive Guide to Reporting Workplace Injury

  Workplace injuries are, unfortunately, all too common. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to know how to report the injury to your employer properly. Failure to do so could result in losing out on important benefits or even your job. This blog will provide you with a comprehensive guide to reporting  workplace injuries . We will cover everything from what information you need to include in your report to how to file a claim with your employer’s insurance company. By the end of this blog, you will know everything you need to do to protect your rights and get the compensation you deserve. The importance of reporting workplace injuries Workplace injuries can be costly for both employees and employers. Not only can they result in lost time and productivity, but they can also lead to expensive medical bills and workers’ compensation claims. That’s why it’s so important to report workplace injuries. Doing so can help ensure that the injured worker receives the...

Which Workers’ Compensation Benefits Do I Have If I’m Permanently Injured at Work?

  Workers’ compensation is a system of  insurance  that benefits employees who are injured or who become ill due to their job. Benefits can include medical expenses, income replacement, and death benefits. If you are permanently injured at work, you may be eligible for several benefits, including medical benefits,  income replacement , and death benefits. Each state has its own workers’ comp laws, so it is important to check with your state’s workers’ compensation board to find out which benefits you are eligible for. This blog will discuss which workers’ compensation benefits you may be eligible for if you are permanently injured at work. What Counts as Permanent Workplace Injury? There are a few things that must be met for an injury to be considered permanent: The injury must be serious enough to cause long-term or permanent damage. A qualified physician must objectify the damage. The impairment must be shown to be directly caused by the work environment. If these ...

Do Remote Workers Get Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

  The answer to this question may surprise you – remote workers are entitled to the same workers’ compensation benefits as traditional employees! This is because the definition of “employee” under workers’ compensation law is quite broad, and it includes anyone who performs work for an employer. So, if you are a remote worker who has been injured on the job, you may be wondering what workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to. The answer depends on the state in which you live, as each state has its own workers’ compensation laws. In this blog post, we will look at the workers’ compensation laws in the state of California and discuss what benefits remote workers are entitled to. What is Workers’ Compensation? Workers’ compensation is a system of benefits available to employees who are injured on the job or who develop an occupational disease due to their job. The benefits available through workers’ compensation include medical benefits, income benefits, and death benefits. I...