Does A Brain Injury Qualify For Disability?

 A traumatic brain injury is a severe, life-altering injury resulting from a sudden blow to the head that damages the brain. Not just in high-risk industries like construction and manufacturing, brain injuries are extremely common in the workplace. A traumatic brain injury may result in physical or cognitive difficulties requiring intensive and long-term rehabilitation. Even with such care, residual symptoms from a traumatic brain injury may be severe enough to cause a lifelong disability.

If you have sustained a brain injury on the job and are unable to work due to your condition, you may wish to file a claim for long-term disability insurance. Numerous people who are unable to work due to a brain injury rely on these vital benefits to maintain their health and well-being. If you choose to pursue this course of action, it is crucial to comprehend the various factors that could put you in the best position to obtain these disability benefits.

How Can Brain Injuries Be Disabling?

The effects of a brain injury may last from a few weeks to several years or even be permanent. Understanding the specific difficulties your brain injury presents and how it limits or prevents you from performing your job will assist you in bolstering your disability claim.

Brain injuries can result in physical and cognitive problems. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue, seizures, and abnormal sleep patterns are some of the physical symptoms of brain injuries that may result in incapacity. Some people may also experience loss of balance and coordination, muscle weakness, blurred vision, and light sensitivity.

Many patients with brain injury also experience cognitive symptoms such as mood swings, memory loss, and difficulty concentrating, as well as personality changes, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. These symptoms, whether physical, cognitive, or both, can be incapacitating if they are frequent and severe enough.

Does Your Brain Injury Qualify as A Disability?

Even though it might be obvious to you and your loved ones that your brain injury is serious and will leave you unable to work, the insurance company will ask for proof of your diagnosis, specifics about your disabling symptoms, and the treatment plan that you followed before deciding whether to approve your disability claim.

Underestimating the significance of having extensive supporting documentation to buttress your claim is a terrible mistake that should never be made. Make sure you never fall into the trap of assuming that the insurance company will have any understanding or sympathy for the struggles that you are going through.

The following is a list of some of the most important pieces of evidence that will assist you in having a successful disability claim:

  • Test results
  • Medical evidence
  • Doctor’s assessment
  • Evidence of symptoms


Disability claims that involve brain injury can be difficult and challenging to understand. You will need the assistance of a skilled California workers’ compensation attorney who can assist you in documenting your injury, symptoms, and treatment, as well as ensuring that you are awarded the benefits to which you are entitled. The attorneys at 2H Law Firm have over 40+ years of experience handling these cases and are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. You can reach us by phone at (619) 374-9320.


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