What Is The Average Workers’ Compensation Settlement For Nerve Damage?

 If you sustained nerve damage due to a workplace injury, you are likely concerned about the compensation you are entitled to. When people think of workplace or industrial accidents, they may envision something dramatic, such as a back or brain injury that leaves a person permanently disabled. Even though amputations and broken bones are common workplace injuries, they are not the only ones that can occur.

Extremely debilitating and potentially permanent impairments can result from nerve damage. Damage to a nerve may result in numbness, chronic pain, or even paralysis. One of the difficulties in assigning a monetary value to these cases is that these injuries can be harder to prove. This does not preclude you from receiving the compensation you need to recover. In other words, you need an experienced, knowledgeable, and resourceful workers’ compensation attorney who will help you prove your injuries and obtain the highest possible settlement.

Understanding Nerve Damage

After any traumatic event, nerve damage could occur. The severity of the nerve damage is proportional to the severity of the injury. Nerve damage may be severe when the injury is severe. Nerves are composed of axons or fibers that are surrounded by insulating tissues. While minor injuries may only cause damage to nerve fibers, severe injuries cause damage to both fibers and tissues. In some instances, the nerve itself is cut.

If your nerves are not functioning properly, you will likely experience discomfort and pain. This is due to the inability of the damaged nerves to transmit the correct signals from the brain to the spinal cord. Muscle weakness, inability to hold objects properly, sharp pains in the hands, arms, legs, or feet, and a buzzing sensation that may feel like a mild electrical shock are common symptoms of nerve damage.

Trauma-caused nerve damage is one of the most common types of nerve damage seen in cases of workplace injury. When a worker slips and falls at work, bones can be broken, and nerves severed, resulting in pain and numbness. A damaged spinal cord could prove fatal in the most severe cases of worker back trauma.

What Is the Average Nerve Damage Settlement?

Since each nerve injury is unique, settlements may also vary. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that the average workers’ compensation settlement is approximately $20,000, with a small percentage of nerve damage awards exceeding $61,000. However, this should not deter anyone from seeking additional compensation. Most nerve damage cases are worth significantly more. Never underestimate the value of your claim.

It is essential to provide evidence that your nerve damage occurred on the job or because of work-related activities. If it was the result of an accident at work, you should immediately inform your employer. The testimony or statements of co-workers or eyewitnesses may also prove to be extremely useful. As with any type of workers’ compensation or work injury claim, you have a greater chance of obtaining a fair settlement if you are well-prepared with supporting documentation and evidence.


If you have suffered nerve damage as a result of a workplace injury, you must contact an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer immediately. As described, nerve damage can be more difficult to prove. The seasoned work injury attorneys at 2H Law Firm will diligently gather all the necessary documentation and evidence on your behalf, putting you in the best position possible to receive maximum compensation in your case. Contact us at (619) 374-9320 immediately for a free consultation and thorough case evaluation.


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