Carpal Tunnel Coverage Under Workers’ Comp Law – Legal Updates


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a prevalent and often debilitating condition that can significantly impact an individual’s ability to perform their job. For many workers, particularly those engaged in repetitive tasks or jobs that require prolonged wrist and hand movements, CTS is a real and potentially work-related concern. 

Navigating carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) within the realm of workers’ comp law can be a complex and essential matter for employees who suffer from this debilitating condition. Carpal tunnel syndrome often caused or exacerbated by repetitive tasks at work, can lead to significant pain, discomfort, and limitations in hand and wrist mobility. For affected workers, understanding their rights and the potential workers’ compensation coverage available is critical for obtaining the necessary medical treatment and financial support during their recovery. 

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In California, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can be considered a work-related injury, and injured workers may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits under workers’ comp law if they meet certain criteria. Carpal tunnel syndrome typically arises from repetitive hand and wrist movements common in various occupations. Here’s an overview of carpal tunnel benefits under California Workers’ Comp Law:

  • Medical Treatment: Workers diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome are entitled to receive the medical treatment necessary to alleviate and manage their condition. This includes doctor’s visits, diagnostic tests, physical therapy, medications, and any medically necessary procedures.
  • Temporary Disability Benefits (TD): If a worker’s carpal tunnel syndrome temporarily prevents them from performing their regular job duties and they need time off work to recover, they may be eligible for temporary disability benefits. These benefits provide financial support during the recovery period. The amount is generally two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage, up to a maximum limit set by the state.
  • Supplemental Job Displacement Benefits (SJDB): If an injured worker with carpal tunnel syndrome cannot return to their previous job due to permanent disability, they may qualify for supplemental job displacement benefits. This program provides funding for vocational retraining or skill enhancement to facilitate the worker’s return to the workforce.
  • Medical Mileage Reimbursement: Injured workers may be eligible for reimbursement of reasonable mileage and travel expenses associated with medical treatment and appointments related to their carpal tunnel syndrome.

It’s essential to understand that eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits under workers’ comp law in carpal tunnel cases may depend on various factors, including medical evidence, the severity of symptoms, and the impact on the worker’s ability to perform their job. Additionally, carpal tunnel syndrome can be a challenging condition to link directly to work-related activities, and insurance companies may scrutinize claims.

Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

To file a workers’ compensation claim for CTS, you must first report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. You should then see a doctor who is authorized by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company. The doctor will evaluate your injury and determine whether it is work-related. If the doctor determines that your CTS is work-related, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company will begin processing your claim. This may involve reviewing your medical records and interviewing you and your employer. If the insurance company approves your claim, you will begin receiving benefits.

According to the California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Institute (CWCI), in 2021, there were 14,500 overexertion-related injuries reported in California, of which 8,500 were carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This means that CTS accounted for approximately 59% of all overexertion-related injuries in California in 2021.


In summary, this blog has offered a comprehensive overview of carpal tunnel injury coverage within the realm of workers’ comp law, providing essential insights for injured workers to comprehend. Navigating the complexities of a carpal tunnel injury can be challenging, but having a firm grasp of your rights and available benefits is vital for a successful recovery. If you’ve experienced a carpal tunnel injury at your workplace and require legal assistance or representation, you can reach out to Hollingsworth & Hollingsworth APC at (619) 374-9320. Your well-being, financial security, and future are our foremost concerns, and we are dedicated to championing your cause. Selecting the right attorney can significantly impact your path to a successful recovery.


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